40 Awesome Jordan Peterson Quotes and Saying

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About Jordan Peterson

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, a clinical psychologist and the author of the multi-million copy bestseller 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos. (Get the Audiobook for free.)

Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life will help restore order, so you can carry a load and justify your existence. The key message in this book is that Navigating through life is a constant struggle filled with trials and tribulations, and if there’s any guarantee in life, it’s that there will likely be more troubles around the corner. But there is also beauty and joy to be found, however fleeting these moments may be.

All you can do is try your best, be honest and truthful, and avoid being selfish and prideful. It’s also important to take responsibility for your own lot in life, and not blame the world or others for your shortcomings. Ultimately, it is only you who can improve your life.

After 2016, Jordan Peterson gained attention for his outspoken views on cultural and political issues. (1) With his students and colleagues at Harvard and the University of Toronto, Jordan Peterson has published over a hundred scientific papers, transforming the modern understanding of personality, while his book Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief revolutionized the psychology of religion.

Jordan Peterson Quotes

Here is the most powerful Jordan Peterson quotes:

Perhaps you are overvaluing what you don’t have and undervaluing what you do.

Jordan Peterson

Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping.

Jordan Peterson

Always place your becoming above your current being.

Jordan Peterson

If you betray yourself, if you say untrue things, if you act out a lie, you weaken your character.

Jordan Peterson

If you don’t say what you think then you kill your unborn self.

Jordan Peterson

If you have a comprehensive explanation for everything then it decreases uncertainty and anxiety and reduces your cognitive load. And if you can use that simplifying algorithm to put yourself on the side of moral virtue then you’re constantly a good person with a minimum of effort.

Jordan Peterson

The creative person, by contrast, is always open to new possibilities.

Jordan Peterson

The purpose of life, as far as I can tell… is to find a mode of being that’s so meaningful that the fact that life is suffering is no longer relevant.

Jordan Peterson

You don’t get to choose not to pay a price, you only get to choose which price you pay.

Jordan Peterson

It took untold generations to get you where you are. A little gratitude might be in order.

Jordan Peterson

So, listen, to yourself and to those with whom you are speaking. Your wisdom then consists not of the knowledge you already have, but the continual search for knowledge, which is the highest form of wisdom.

Jordan Peterson

The successful among us delay gratification. The successful among us bargain with the future.

Jordan Peterson

Don’t underestimate the power of vision and direction. These are irresistible forces, able to transform what might appear to be unconquerable obstacles into traversable pathways and expanding opportunities. Strengthen the individual. Start with yourself. Take care with yourself. Define who you are. Refine your personality.

Jordan Peterson

If you are not willing to be a fool, you can’t become a master.

Jordan Peterson

The truth is something that burns, it burns off deadwood and people don’t like having their deadwood burnt off often because they’re 95% deadwood.

Jordan Peterson

There are some games you don’t get to play unless you are all in.

Jordan Peterson

Every bit of learning is a little death. Every bit of new information challenges a previous conception, forcing it to dissolve into chaos before it can be reborn as something better. Sometimes such deaths virtually destroy us.

Jordan Peterson

You should take care of, help and be good to yourself the same way you would take care of, help, and be good to someone you loved and valued.

Jordan Peterson

The better ambitions have to do with the development of character and ability, rather than status and power. Status you can lose. You carry character with you wherever you go, and it allows you to prevail against adversity.

Jordan Peterson

You’re not everything you could be, and you know it.

Jordan Peterson

There’s some real utility in gratitude.

Jordan Peterson

We require routine and tradition. That’s order. Order can become excessive, and that’s not good, but chaos can swamp us, so we drown — and that is also not good. We need to stay on the straight and narrow path.

Jordan Peterson

The things that pose the greatest threats to your survival are the most real things.

Jordan Peterson

What you aim at determines what you see.

Jordan Peterson

if you cannot understand why someone did something, look at the consequences — and infer the motivation.

Jordan Peterson

In order to be able to think, you have to risk being offensive.

Jordan Peterson

People organize their brains with conversation. If they don’t have anyone to tell their story to, they lose their minds. Like hoarders, they cannot unclutter themselves.

Jordan Peterson

It’s appropriate and praiseworthy to associate with people whose lives would be improved if they saw your life improve.

Jordan Peterson

It is my firm belief that the best way to fix the world — a handyman’s dream, if ever there was one — is to fix yourself

Jordan Peterson

If your life is not what it could be, try telling the truth. If you cling desperately to an ideology, or wallow in nihilism, try telling the truth. If you feel weak and rejected, and desperate, and confused, try telling the truth. In Paradise, everyone speaks the truth. That is what makes it Paradise. Tell the truth. Or, at least, don’t lie.

Jordan Peterson

Everything you value is a product of unimaginably lengthy developmental processes, personal, cultural, biological.

Jordan Peterson

We cannot navigate, without something to aim at and, while we are in this world, we must always navigate.

Jordan Peterson

If a child has not been taught to behave properly by the age of four, it will forever be difficult for him or her to make friends.

Jordan Peterson

And you must be cautious, because making your life better means adopting a lot of responsibility, and that takes more effort and care than living stupidly in pain and remaining arrogant, deceitful and resentful.

Jordan Peterson

alongside our wish to be free of rules, we all search for structure.

Jordan Peterson

We require rules, standards, values — alone and together. We’re pack animals, beasts of burden. We must bear a load, to justify our miserable existence.

Jordan Peterson

One of the problems with being relatively wealthy if you are a parent is that you cannot provide your children with necessity.

Jordan Peterson

that the soul of the individual eternally hungers for the heroism of genuine Being, and that the willingness to take on that responsibility is identical to the decision to live a meaningful life.

Jordan Peterson

you should never sacrifice what you could be for what you are.

Jordan Peterson

There’s a worthy and noble ambition: strength in the face of adversity. That is very different from the wish for a life free of trouble.

Jordan Peterson

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This post originally published on https://motiveex.com

